Mares and Fillies For Sale

- Kouvella De Ville (Kouvay
Bey X Vanna T) 1998 Purebred Arabian, bay mare. Ridden
in Hunter/Pleasure classes in 2003. Bred to Ajman Monicione in 2008, foaled in 2009, a colt., Amann. She
was used as a lesson horse for 9 yr old granddaughter in 2010. Will sell with a breeding to either Thee Bikr WPA
or JTG Thee Yatim Emir. Asking price $10,000 (negotiable). Reason for selling: Space and getting out of the breeding
- JTG Anisah Jo
(Thee Bikr WPA X Jenny) a.k.a.
Josie, born 3/25/2007. Registered half-Arabian filly, red chestnut. Friendly, fast learner. Price negotiable,
make an offer.
photo coming
- Jenny 1998,
Chestnut with light mane and tail, 3/4 Haflinger, 1/4 unknown, not registered. Great broodmare. Would make a great surrogate.
Dam of JTG Thee Captain Jack and JTG Anisah Jo, both sired by Thee Bikr WPA. Both were unattended births in the pasture, easy deliveries. She has a huge milk supply. Has
been ridden, but not for quite awhile. Very intelligent. Make an offer.
Stallions and Geldings For Sale
photo coming
- JTG Thee Captain Jack (Thee Bikr WPA X Jenny) Born May 29, 2005,
grey gelding. Very gentle. Make an offer.

- JTG Thee Yatim Emir (Thee Bikr WPA X KRH Mariah Moniet) Born March 10, 2008, grey colt. Bottle fed, so he is "mouthy." Needs an owner/trainer
who understands bottle-fed colts. Gets his feelings hurt easily when scolded. Learns quickly. Has been handled since
birth by many children. Is used to dogs and cats. Is very submissive around other horses. Plan to use him as a breeding
stallion this year (2011), if he does not sell first. Asking $5,000. Price will go up after he begins breeding and
receives more training.
Contact Jolene Terrell, tumbleweed_50@yahoo.com, for more information.